Monday, September 30, 2013

Understanding Market Basket Analysis

Understanding Market Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis basically refers to the analysis of customer buying habits by finding association rules between different itemsets that customer places in their basket. It is the earliest form of frequent pattern mining for the association rules.

Terms to Understand
Frequent Patterns: The patterns that appear frequently.
Frequent Itemset: The set of item(eg milk and bread) that appear together frequently
Frequent Sequential Pattern: The itemsets that appear together in a sequential pattern.

The frequent itemset pattern is represented by the association rules.
Eg. Laptop => Mouse [support 5%, confidence = 50%]
The above association rules says that the customer who buys laptop also buys mouse with 5% support and 50% confidence. The measure of interestingness of any rule in based on the support and confidence of the rule.
(Support 2%) 2% of all the transaction under analysis show that laptop and mouse are purchased together.
(Confidence 50%)50% of the customer who purchased laptop also purchased mouse.

Significance of Market Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis is done to help business in decision making process. The major areas of significance are:
1.      It helps in gaining insights into the items that are frequently purchased together by the customer.
2.      It helps in developing marketing strategies.
3.      It helps in the design of store layouts.
4.      It helps in catalog design.
5.      It helps to determine the items that are to be placed on sales.
6.      It helps in customer shopping behavior analysis.

7.      It helps in identifying the regular and valued customers.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Making a positive start by Wearing Sunscreen

It's been a long journey from schooling to graduation. Finally, its time to get over the so called studies and start over the new life, the professional life. I don't know what I want to do with my life but still I hope to do something interesting. Nothing could be more inspirational than this speech to start over: